iranian caviar
iranian caviar

About Iran Caviar Company :

The group of Iranian caviar companies (legacy) with more than 28 years of experience in the production and distribution of caviar in the world from Hong Kong to Europe and the United States, as well as Arab countries and the CIS region in the form of Caviar Importe Italiano (established in 1369) in the city of Venice, Italy It is currently the second largest European manufacturer with a production of over 7 tons per year.

In Iran, with the support of the Fisheries Organization, the first Iranian caviar production plant was launched in Guilan province in 2005, and now, in addition to setting up its second farm, it is establishing the basis for fish breeding in the sea cage.
The company also has a history of attending the most important and most prestigious domestic and foreign exhibitions such as the Sea Food Fair in Boston, the United States, the Sea food global exhibition in Brussels, the anuga Cologne of Germany, Paris sial, and has been backed by years of sales and close ties with The global consumer market is well-versed in the taste and taste of well-liked customers, producing and supplying sturgeon species of the world and the Caspian Sea region in luxury boxes and boxes of caviar of Baloch.