Iranian caviar prices

Iranian caviar prices

The caviar of Iran is one of the most expensive food in the world and is one of the most delicious and energetic foods in the world.
Iran Beluga caviar is one of the most popular caviar in the world.
The taste of Iranian blog caviar is very hearty.
The price of Beluga caviar depends on the quality and size of the caviar grains.
Beluga caviar grains are available in sizes from 3 mm to 3.5.
We breed sturgeon on the shores of the Caspian Sea using seawater
For this reason, the quality and taste of farmed caviar on our farm is close to the wild caviar of the Caspian Sea.
We can deliver Beluga caviar to your door in the EU.
To buy from our sturgeon farm, you can contact us and find out our Iranian caviar prices.   Tel :00982155444661   Mobile :00989104301218   WhatsApp :0989104301218

We can deliver caviar to you in any country behind customs.
The price of Beluga caviar varies depending on the size and packaging in weights of 30 g to 250 g.

Package from 250 g to 2 kg is the original package and has a lower price.
The CITES code is issued for the destination country and you must clear your load in the destination country with this code.
We have paid all Iranian customs duties and the customs costs of the destination country are borne by the buyer.

The most common caviar, known as Clover Blago, is not black, but is like a diamond that is called Iranian diamonds. The price of caviar in Iran for buying each kilogram should cost more than $ 5,000. 25% of cholesterol caviar fat and 75% lecithin. The protein contained in the caviar consists of amino acids of arginine, histamine, isoleucine, lysine, and mayotine.

So the question is, how many caviar prices are there in Iran? It should not be right, because the Iranian caviar comes in several different types of fish, each of which has the same price and quality characteristics, but the caviar in the market is very different: the price of Iranian caviar in the market of caviar types is sometimes At a low price, these are caviar or artificial caviar, or caviar remains in other warehouses of the Caspian states, which are smuggled into Iran, and are very cheap for the customer, or salmon egg as the original caviar Iran, which is very cheap for the customer. So the answer to the question is how many Iranian caviar prices? By visiting the site or by visiting the  store site.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Hello I am interested for black caviar for Brazil

    • Dear Mustafa

      Please contact us.
      Mansoor Mehdieh Export manager of Iran Caviar Company.
      Mobile: +989134318131 (WhatsApp)
      Iran Caviar Company
      Address: Unit 1, Negin Complex, Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran
      Tell : +982155444661


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