(Caviar and its effect on the skin)

Caviar Facial Mask

Iran Caviar Production and Distribution Company and related products. Distribution to Iran and export to other countries of the world
Iran Caviar Production and Distribution Company and related products. Distribution to Iran and export to other countries of the world

          Caviar is one of the best nutrients that is used for skin care, it is rich in protein and antioxidants that is recommended for skin care.

Caviar facial mask is a great treatment for face brightening, eliminating wrinkles and fighting aging. Caviar causes skin cells to stimulate collagen production, which causes the skin to become alive and younger.
Cellular format and format The caviar mask is similar to that of the human skin, which is known as a nutrient with a unique nutritional effect and high minerals. Caviar has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids such as arginine due to estrogen , Histamine, isoleucine and mitoinin have miraculous effects on the skin.
The estrogen in the caviar causes skin ulcers, softness and skin tone and increased levels of skin surface vessels. Omega-3 fatty acids prevent drying and cracking, eczema, boils and other skin diseases. Amino acid Arginine in the manufacture of collagen, histamine as vasodilator, isoleucine in the treatment of skin, and mitoinin play an important role as an important antioxidant in creating a beautiful, brilliant skin. Collagen is a fibrous protein that makes the skin soft and removes sun damage.

Therefore, caviar face mask is strongly recommended.
The caviar has a special protein called Ichthulin, which has a strong anti-wrinkle effect. Caviar balances the distribution of cellular fat at the skin’s surface, making it soft and delicate. It struggles with the process of aging and loosening the skin.
The skin and muscles of the face are made from protein, and as a result, caviar can be used as an excellent source of supple skin. That’s why the caviar is distinguished as a young elixir of all the similar materials in the world.
Caviar contains vitamins D, E, A, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid. Caviar facial mask is a skin that is youthful and refreshing. It provides a firm and resilient skin. With caviar mask, it can prevent face wrinkles and eye contour and protect the skin from harmful sun rays. Slowly

How to use caviar facial mask  :

Iran Caviar Production and Distribution Company and related products. Distribution to Iran and export to other countries of the world
Iran Caviar Production and Distribution Company and related products. Distribution to Iran and export to other countries of the world

    Clean your skin and put the caviar on the skin as a mask and wash the skin after a while. Twice, you can use the mask.

: Usage on the body 

After bathing, clean some caviar on the skin and massage it in a rotational manner. Like neck, chest. This kind of massage will make the skin harder for the area you want. Repeat this procedure two to three times a month. In addition to this, it is strongly recommended that the caviar is masked. It should be noted that the original and fresh caviar is to be used. To purchase original caviar, visit caviaico.ir.

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